What is Bar W Industries? 

Bar W is the verbal expression of  our family brand.

It simply means a "W" with a line under it. 

Originally registered by the Wortham family in the territory of Texas, our brand is used to this day to mark pride in our livestock stock and whatever we produce.  


G Wortham, MFA, General Manager

metalwork, ceramic, paper and leather

Above image is a detail of a wing study for a sculpture on display at the University of Nebraska for my MFA exhibition. 

Why Ronin3? - Easy! Ronin was already taken

Secondly, and more importantly was I chose ronin (roughly translated from Nipponese into "wave man") as in someone who is set adrift on their own. I do not see this as a forlorn title as in it's loose meaning to be as someone who no longer is under the direction or employ of another. Rather I take it to mean independence after serving time learning and dutifully following a discipline and period of employment. 

Ronin 3 Design